Mice and Rat Removal and Control Services

Mice Removal & Mice Control Services

We provide residential mice removal and mice control for homes, attics, townhouses, walls and basements – if there’s mice in your house, we’ll get them out!

Mouse hole entry point on houseIf you have a problem with mice or rats in your attic or the walls, contacting Ontario Wildlife Removal Inc. for pest management was the best thing you could have done for your home. Once mice and other small rodents are living in your home or attic, it’s only a matter of time before they cause thousands of dollars in damage.

Having mice removed by a professional pest and mice control company, and prevented from entering again, is one of your best options at this point. You can try to remove and exclude them yourself, but we have found that for most of our clients, that only makes it worse. This is especially true if the mice have babies.

We are the company that will humanely remove rats and mice from your home, secure it from future entries, and clean up the mess they’ve left behind.

Get a Quick Quote on Mice Removal Services

When Mice, Rodents and Rats Get Into Your Home or Attic

Mouse removed and releasedUnlike larger wildlife, mice and rats don’t always need to chew through parts of a home to get into it. Because of they’re generally small and flexible – they can like bats – squeeze into small cracks and crevices and live in your home unknown for a long time, even many years even.

Because of this, we always advise customers to preemptively opt in for mice and rat preventative and exclusion measures in order to deter pests and small rodents from getting into your home in the first place – not just at any time in the future.

We find that most homes are already susceptible to mice entries as soon as you move in, so mouse prevention is the only way to ensure a future infestation won’t happen – at least for a good 5 to ten years.

We provide a 100% guarantee that pests will not get back into your attic and we employ only humane removal techniques to ensure mice and their babies are safe and always reunited.

Do You Need Mice Exterminator Services?

No. Exterminators only solve one part of problems with mice. Exterminators use rat bait and lethal traps to kill the mice, but they still leave the home open for future entries.

When you opt for wildlife removal, your entire home is inspected for entry points, all animals are removed humanely, the entry points and are securely blocked off to prevent future entries, and effective mice deterrents are put in place. Professional mice removal and rodent management may cost more at first, but there are substantial savings in the long run.

Our Mice Removal & Mice Control Process

If you’re interested in understanding our residential removal and inspection process for mice, rats and other small rodents, simply click the following link to view our removal and control process page, where you’ll be able to contact us for a fast quote based on your current wildlife issue.

How Important is it to Have Mice and Rats Removed?

Small rodent removedIf mice or rats have infiltrated your home or attic, you need mice or rat removal services because:

  • they pose serious health risks to all family members including pets
  • they carry various parasites such as bovine tuberculosis, E. coli, and Hantavirus to name a few
  • they pass parasites through their stool and urine to various areas of the home
  • they get into food containers and food storage areas of the home leaving behind their droppings
  • they negatively affect young children with respiratory issues
  • they create large amounts of damage to various parts of the home including the home’s structure, attic insulation and the electrical system
  • they create enough damage that enables other forms of large wildlife to gain entry

It’s rare that you’ll encounter mice or rats in your home because they’re usually afraid of humans and will scurry away once they sense you coming. In the odd case that you do see one, you can expect there to be a colony that has taken over some part of your home. If you see one mice or rat, it usually means an infestation problem exists somewhere in the home and each day you ignore the problem, it only gets worse.

What If I see a Rat or Mouse?

If you’ve seen a mouse or rat, consider yourself lucky because now you know they’re in your home, and that you urgently need to have them removed.

If you do encounter one, don’t be too friendly with them and if you see one that doesn’t seem to be afraid or isn’t moving too much, it may have become sick or injured. This encounter is just an indication that you’ve got a mouse problem and need to call Ontario Wildlife Removal Inc. right away.

mouse found in atticWhen it comes to mice problems, remember that each day you wait, is a day the problem is getting worse with damages and contamination of your home. These problems will only get worse and the mice population in your attic will only increase quite quickly.

Mice and rats a common problem and we’ll guide you through the whole process until it’s resolved – mice and rat management doesn’t take long to accomplish.

Are You Ready for a Quote?

If you’re ready for a quote on residential mice or rat removal and mouse exclusion, simply fill out the quote form on this page, and we’ll respond quickly. Or you can call 226-802-9453 now and we’ll get a wildlife technician out to your home in within 24 to 36 hours, inspect your property and start solving your mice problems quickly.

Read our removal process here.